Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The truth about weight loss

There are so many articles around about losing weight, so much help and information you'd think it would be easier to lose weight.

Every year there's another diet coming out and receiving rave reviews. And people follow in droves - from Atkins to South Beach to GI. But are we getting any slimmer?

The exact opposite is true - the Western world is gaining weight at an astonishing pace.

The fact is that dieting doesn't work.

All we know for sure is that if we eat too much and move too little we gain weight - and this part is easy. Yet when we try to do the opposite by eating less and moving more it's incredibly difficult!

And it's nothing to do with knowing how to do that in a practical sense - we have so much information about nutrition and exercise at our fingertips. We have the theory drummed into us. It's putting it into practise that we're not so good at.

It's all boils down to how comfortable we feel about the changes we are making and whether our desire to change is big enough to get over any uncomfortable feelings we have of moving out of our familiar rut.

The foods we eat and the amount of exercise we take are so locked into our daily routines past and present, our family culture, our habits that we can only make permanent changes by creating new habits and becoming equally comfortable with them.

Diets and extreme exercise regimes don't work because their requirements are so onerous and restrictive that it would be extremely difficult for them to become part of our everyday habits.

Instead we need to learn new ways of relating to food and exercise by gradually making healthy changes in our habits so that we automatically make better choices for life.

Janice Elizabeth

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan", an 8 week coaching program for natural permanent weight loss. Request her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at http://www.SimplySlimming.com TODAY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a 24 year old mom with 2 children ages 3-1. Last year when I got pregnant with my daughter I was able to keep the wieght gain to a min.(I started out at 118) and wieghed only 125 by my 7 month.
I was put on bed rest at 7 months and that is when the weight gain begain. By the end of the pregnacy I weight 155, and have been gaining about 5lbs. a month ever since, I now weigh 185. the 5lbs. seem to just spring on at my pierod, and then not come down. I have been on about 5 diets since her birth( I have been dieting for about 5 years strait, except 9 months for both children). my marriage went through a REALLY stressful time this past year and a half and my hormones are all over the place. I don't have energy to do hardly any exersise and I am TIRED of dieting. Do you have any advice or somethingthat may help?

9:51 PM  
Blogger Jan said...


I don't believe traditional dieting is the right way to go for most people if you want to lose weight permanently (or you want to avoid putting more weight on).

You have put weight on by changing your habits over the years and you will only lose it and keep it off permanently by gradually changing your habits into healthier ones.

Don't be too harsh with yourself - because having two young children and a lot of emotional stress is hard for anyone to cope with. So take it one small step at a time and gradually you'll get back into shape.

To help you get started, take a look at my free report which you can get at http://www.simplyslimming.com

all the best for your weight loss success


10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:39 PM  

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